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Unieke kijkjes achter de schermen
Unieke kijkjes achter de schermen
Unieke kijkjes achter de schermen
Unieke kijkjes achter de schermen
on the Official Dutch Grand Prix Village


To ensure that the Official Dutch Grand Prix Village (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Village’) is a place where everyone can have a good time, there are several rules that apply to all camping visitors.

Article 1. Legislation and Regulations

On the campsite, Dutch legislation and the municipal General Local Regulation (APV) of Zandvoort apply. Visitors must conduct themselves in accordance with public order, morals, and decency. Compliance with regulations and/or instructions from the organizers, security, medical team, and other parties involved is mandatory. Threats, violence, intimidation, discrimination, and other forms of aggression are prohibited. The use of (soft) drugs is not allowed. In case of misconduct, disturbances, public urination, and/or violation of the house rules, visitors will be removed from the campsite. If weapons are observed, theft, public violence, or other legal violations, the police will be notified, and charges will be filed.

Article 2. Own Risk and Liability

Visiting the campsite is entirely at your own risk. The campsite organizers are not liable for any damage resulting from the visit to the campsite or the loss and/or theft of belongings during the visit. Damage to (temporary) structures or properties and individuals (visitors/staff) of the event will be reclaimed from the source.

Article 3. Body Search, Bag Check, and Identification

The organizers have the right to search visitors at the entrance or during their stay, inspect hand luggage, bags, and/or jackets, and ask for identification. Refusal may result in denial of access to the campsite, and there is a chance of being removed from the campsite.

Article 4. Access

Access to the campsite is only possible with a valid admission ticket, in combination with a valid ID. The minimum age for independent access to the campsite is 18 years. Younger visitors are allowed entry only when accompanied by an adult with a valid admission ticket. Access to the campsite will be denied to individuals:

  • Causing any form of disturbance and/or aggression.
  • In possession and/or under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol.
  • Carrying weapons. The police will be notified in such cases.
  • Causing any form of disturbance to the surroundings.
  • Wearing clothing representing football clubs, symbols of motorcycle clubs (Outlaw Motorcycle Gang), and/or clothing with nationalist signs or expressions, except for national football jerseys.

The organizers have the right to refuse entry or remove visitors from the campsite if a visitor does not adhere to the regulations mentioned in the first article or these house rules. After removal from the campsite, the visitor will have no access to the site and cannot claim reimbursement of admission tickets, travel expenses, and/or any other incurred costs.

For the sake of public order and safety, the organizers reserve the right to request visitors to leave the location at any time for safety reasons. Re-entry after the event is not permitted.

Article 5. Prohibited Items

It is not permitted to bring the following items to the campsite:

  • soft or hard drugs, nitrous oxide (laughing gas), snus
  • alcohol stronger than 14.5%
  • glassware (except for deodorant and perfume), knives, laser pens, impact or firearms, or objects resembling weapons or offensive items, and objects that can be used as weapons
  • generators, electric heaters or air conditioners, refrigerators
  • gas or oil lamps, gas bottles, gas stoves, and (disposable) barbecues, candles
  • aerosols (except for sunscreen, deodorant, and perfume)
  • umbrellas with sharp points (we recommend bringing ponchos as a precaution)
  • musical instruments, horns or similar items
  • fireworks or flares (see Article 10)
  • provocative clothing, including football club attire, motorcycle club insignias, and/or clothing with nationalist symbols or expressions (except for national football jerseys)
  • pets (except service dogs)
  • promotional materials such as flyers, leaflets, banners (unless approved and authorized by the organization), professional film, photo, or audio equipment (unless approved and accredited by the organization)
  • speakers with a power output greater than 30 watts, drones (on the ground or in the air)
  • other electrical equipment must be suitable for camping use. If there is suspicion that the equipment is causing a short circuit, it may be confiscated. No more than 1350 watts may be used per accommodation.
  • it is not allowed to ride bicycles or electric scooters on the campsite. These may be walked alongside. If you do not comply, the organization reserves the right to confiscate the bike or scooter.

All confiscated items will be discarded in specially provided waste containers and will not be kept in storage. For items not covered by the house rules, the organizers will decide on possible measures. If you have doubts about certain objects, you can contact village@dutchgp.com.

Article 6. Medication

It is only permitted to bring medication to the campsite if:

  • the medication is in its original, sealed packaging
  • it is accompanied by the original leaflet
  • proof can be provided as to why the medication is needed

If these conditions are not met — or if the organization has other reasons for concern — the organization reserves the right to deny access and/or confiscate the medication, without the right to a refund.

Article 7. Food and Drinks

You are allowed to bring your own food and drinks to the camping grounds of the Village. However, the following limits apply:

  • You may bring a maximum of 1 small shopping bag of groceries per person; this must be a regular plastic bag, not a large shopper. This is only allowed upon first entry.
  • It is not permitted to shop for groceries during your stay and re-enter the campsite with them.
  • You may bring a maximum of 2 liters of soft drinks and/or beverages with less than 14.5% alcohol per person. This is only allowed upon first entry.
  • Strong alcoholic beverages are not allowed and will be confiscated.
  • All drinks must be sealed and packaged in their original containers.
  • Glassware is prohibited, and this will be strictly checked at the entrance. Food packaged in glass containers, such as peanut butter, is also not allowed.
  • The use of BBQs, any type of gas stoves, and open flames is prohibited.

Food and drinks are available for purchase on the campsite. Together with our catering partner, we offer a wide variety of food and drinks.

Article 8. Alcohol

It is prohibited for visitors under 18 years of age to buy, accept, or consume alcoholic beverages. Show your identification when asked. The organizers reserve the right not to sell alcohol in case of misconduct or intoxication.

Article 9. Unwanted Intimacies

We want everyone to feel safe at the Official Dutch Grand Prix Village. Therefore, we do not tolerate unwanted intimacies. Inappropriate intimacies include, among other things, statements or actions that are sexually related, such as sexual innuendos, statements or jokes, showing or sending sexually explicit material, and unwanted touching. We expect every visitor to treat other staff and visitors with respect and professionalism. Each visitor is responsible for respecting these rules. If someone has a complaint about unwanted intimacies, it will be taken seriously. If a violation is identified, measures will be taken.

We hope that all visitors feel comfortable visiting the Official Dutch Grand Prix Village and expect everyone to cooperate in creating a safe, respectful working environment for all visitors and staff.

Article 10. Flares

Bringing flares or any other form of fireworks onto the premises is strictly prohibited. The use of these items is not allowed within the house rules. We ask you to respect this rule to ensure everyone’s safety and avoid any damage.

Article 11. Sound Systems

Small portable speakers with a maximum power of 30 watts on batteries are allowed, provided they do not cause inconvenience to other guests. Sound production is only allowed between 08:00 and 23:30.

Article 12. Waste

We love a clean and healthy living environment. Dispose of waste in the trash bin and keep the area in and around your sleeping accommodation clean.

Article 13. Advertising and Promotion

It is prohibited to distribute flyers, brochures, or other (advertising) items on and around the premises without permission from the organizers. Interviews, surveys, or (non)commercial promotion may not be conducted without permission from the organizers.

Article 14. Photo and Film Recording

Photo, film, and sound recordings are made at the campsite. Visitors, by entering the campsite, tacitly give consent to the organization and third parties to register, reproduce, disclose, and/or use these recordings for promotion and safety purposes. This also includes (camera) registration for maintaining public order and safety on the premises. Making recordings with professional equipment and/or professional sound equipment by visitors is not allowed without permission or accreditation issued by the organizers. Filming with smartphones and small recording equipment for personal use is allowed.

Article 15. Contact

In case of a life-threatening situation, call 112. The campsite is located at Duintjesveldweg 3.

Article 16. Campers

Only campers that have passed the MOT are allowed on the campsite. Campers must not exceed 8 meters in length and must fit within the designated area of 6×10 meters. Caravans and cars are not allowed.

We would like to emphasize the following matters:

  • Due to traffic measures, campers must enter the campsite on Thursday between 12:00 and 23:59; entry is not possible after this time. Campers can leave the campsite from Monday 05:00 onwards, not before.
  • Tents cannot be placed next to campers. Party tents and awnings are allowed, provided they fit within the dimensions of the space. The organization is always authorized to dismantle a party tent or awning due to incorrect placement.
  • Gas installations with detachable gas bottles are not allowed. Barbecuing on the spot is not allowed.
  • It is not allowed to cycle or use electric scooters on the campsite. These may be carried by hand. If you do not comply, the organization is authorized to confiscate the bicycle or scooter.
  • There is a disposal point for chemical toilets, but there is no facility for dumping grey water.
  • It is advisable to bring an extension cord of at least 25 meters. It is important that power connections are well covered against water. Be careful not to use more than 1350 watts. Electrical equipment must be suitable for camping use (so no electric heater). Tapping/splitting is not allowed.

The organizers have the right to search visitors at the entrance or during their stay and inspect the camper inside and out. Refusal may result in denial of access to the campsite, and there is a chance of being removed from the campsite.

Article 17. Miscellaneous

These house rules are subject to any additional security, public order, and safety conditions imposed by the government or by decision of the organization itself. The organization is therefore authorized to unilaterally amend these house rules at any time and will subsequently publish the adjusted house rules on the website www.dutchgp.com.

Article 18. Unforeseen Situations

In situations not covered by the house rules, the organization will decide on possible measures.

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