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Unieke kijkjes achter de schermen
Unieke kijkjes achter de schermen
Unieke kijkjes achter de schermen
Unieke kijkjes achter de schermen


The big brother of the group tent can accommodate 8 to 12 people and has multiple power outlets. The number of beds is matched exactly to the number of guests to make maximum use of open space. With an area of 40m2 and interior lighting, this tent truly deserves the qualification Hospitality Lounge. The beer bench sets are also part of the interior here. So, in other words: MAXimum enjoyment!

From €245,- p.p.

Incl. VAT, excl. booking fee & tourist tax

Dutch GP


01 04

Frequently asked questions

All frequently asked questions
Where can I find accommodation near Circuit Zandvoort?

If you’re planning to attend the F1 Heineken Dutch Grand Prix for multiple days, there are several options for accommodation near Circuit Zandvoort. Camp right next to the circuit and experience the Formula 1 spectacle up close at the official Dutch Grand Prix village. Visit https://dutchgp.com/village/ to secure your spot at the Village. Additionally, it’s also possible to book a hotel in the area, if these are not yet occupied.

I am disabled/wheelchair dependent. Can I also stay at the Official Dutch Grand Prix Village?

Everyone is welcome at the Official Dutch Grand Prix Village. We will be more than happy to look at the possibilities together. If you would like more information please contact the organisation at village@dutchgp.com.

What am I not allowed to bring to the Official Dutch Grand Prix Village?

The following items are not allowed in the Village:

Soft or hard drugs

Laughing gas



Laser pens

Impact, thrust, or firearms, or similar offensive items


Gas and oil lamps

Gas cylinders

Gas stoves and disposable barbecues

Aerosol cans (except for sunscreen, deodorant, and perfume)


Umbrellas (we recommend bringing ponchos as a precaution)

Musical instruments

Horns or similar items

Fireworks or torches

Provocative clothing

Pets (except for service dogs)

Advertising material such as flyers, brochures, banners (unless approved and authorized by the organization)

Professional film, photo, or sound equipment (unless approved and accredited by the organization)

Drones (both on the ground and in the air).


You are allowed to bring a small foldable umbrella, as long as it doesn’t have a sharp point. Foldable selfie sticks or a pole for your GoPro are also allowed, as long as they are not longer than 1m. If you have doubts about specific items, you can contact village@dutchgp.com.

All frequently asked questions

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